Karya, built on 2023-08-29T07:47:28 (patch 7a412d5d6ba4968ca4155ef276a062ccdeb9109a)
The four main layers are:
- UI. The core module is Ui.Ui and especially Ui.Ui.State.
- Cmd. The core module is Cmd.Cmd and especially Cmd.Cmd.State.
- Derive. The core module is Derive.Derive, and especially Derive.Deriver.Monad and Derive.Deriver.Monad.State.
- Perform. For MIDI, the core module is Perform.Midi.Perform. Perform.Midi.Patch describes MIDI patches.
- App
- Cmd
- Cmd.BlockConfig
- Cmd.BlockResize
- Cmd.CallDoc
- Cmd.Clip
- Cmd.Cmd
- Cmd.CmdUtil
- Cmd.ControlTrack
- Cmd.Controller
- Cmd.Create
- Cmd.DiffPerformance
- Cmd.Edit
- Cmd.EditUtil
- Cmd.Factor
- Cmd.GlobalKeymap
- Cmd.Info
- Cmd.InputNote
- Instrument
- Cmd.Integrate
- Cmd.Internal
- Cmd.KeyLayouts
- Cmd.Keymap
- Cmd.Ky
- Cmd.Lilypond
- Load
- Cmd.MidiThru
- Cmd.ModifyEvents
- Cmd.ModifyNotes
- Cmd.Msg
- Cmd.NoteEntry
- Cmd.NoteTrack
- Cmd.NoteTrackKeymap
- Cmd.NoteTrackParse
- Cmd.Perf
- Cmd.Performance
- Cmd.PhysicalKey
- Cmd.PitchTrack
- Cmd.Play
- Cmd.PlayC
- Cmd.PlayUtil
- Cmd.Repl
- Cmd.Repl.Environ
- Cmd.Repl.Fast
- Cmd.Repl.Global
- Cmd.Repl.LAlloc
- Cmd.Repl.LBlock
- Cmd.Repl.LCmd
- Cmd.Repl.LControl
- Cmd.Repl.LDebug
- Cmd.Repl.LEvent
- Cmd.Repl.LInst
- Cmd.Repl.LIntegrate
- Cmd.Repl.LKeycaps
- Cmd.Repl.LLily
- Cmd.Repl.LNote
- Cmd.Repl.LPerf
- Cmd.Repl.LPitch
- Cmd.Repl.LRuler
- Cmd.Repl.LSol
- Cmd.Repl.LState
- Cmd.Repl.LSymbol
- Cmd.Repl.LTScore
- Cmd.Repl.LTala
- Cmd.Repl.LTrack
- Cmd.Repl.LTuning
- Cmd.Repl.LView
- Cmd.Repl.Util
- Cmd.ReplGhc
- Cmd.ReplStub
- Cmd.Responder
- Cmd.ResponderSync
- Ruler
- Cmd.RulerCmd
- Cmd.Save
- Cmd.SaveGit
- Cmd.SaveGitT
- Cmd.Selection
- Cmd.Serialize
- Cmd.Simple
- Cmd.StepPlay
- Cmd.SyncKeycaps
- Cmd.TimeStep
- Cmd.Track
- Cmd.Undo
- Cmd.ViewConfig
- Cmd.Views
- D
- Derive
- Derive.Args
- Derive.Attrs
- C
- Derive.C.All
- Bali
- China
- Europe
- Idiom
- India
- Derive.C.Lily
- Post
- Prelude
- Derive.C.Prelude.Articulation
- Derive.C.Prelude.Block
- Derive.C.Prelude.Conditional
- Derive.C.Prelude.Config
- Derive.C.Prelude.Control
- Derive.C.Prelude.ControlFunction
- Derive.C.Prelude.Delay
- Derive.C.Prelude.Equal
- Derive.C.Prelude.Grace
- Derive.C.Prelude.Highlight
- Derive.C.Prelude.Import
- Derive.C.Prelude.InferTrackVoice
- Derive.C.Prelude.Integrate
- Derive.C.Prelude.Note
- Derive.C.Prelude.NoteTransformer
- Derive.C.Prelude.Parent
- Derive.C.Prelude.Pitch
- Derive.C.Prelude.PitchHigh
- Derive.C.Prelude.Random
- Derive.C.Prelude.SignalTransform
- Derive.C.Prelude.Trill
- Derive.C.Prelude.Val
- Derive.Cache
- Derive.Call
- Derive.Call.BlockUtil
- Derive.Call.ControlUtil
- Derive.Call.GraceUtil
- Derive.Call.Ly
- Derive.Call.Macro
- Derive.Call.Make
- Derive.Call.Module
- Derive.Call.NoteUtil
- Derive.Call.PitchUtil
- Derive.Call.Post
- Derive.Call.ScaleDegree
- Derive.Call.Speed
- Derive.Call.StaticMacro
- Derive.Call.StringUtil
- Derive.Call.Sub
- Derive.Call.SubT
- Derive.Call.Symbols
- Derive.Call.Tags
- Derive.Control
- Derive.Controls
- Derive.DDebug
- Derive.Derive
- Derive.DeriveSaved
- Derive.DeriveT
- Deriver
- Derive.Env
- Derive.EnvKey
- Derive.Eval
- Derive.EvalTrack
- Derive.Expr
- Derive.Flags
- Instrument
- Derive.LEvent
- Derive.Library
- Derive.Note
- Derive.PSignal
- Derive.Parse
- Derive.ParseSkeleton
- Derive.ParseTitle
- Derive.Pitches
- Derive.REnv
- Derive.Scale
- Derive.Scale.All
- Derive.Scale.All2
- Derive.Scale.Bali
- Derive.Scale.BaliScales
- Derive.Scale.BohlenPierce
- Derive.Scale.ChromaticScales
- Derive.Scale.Edo
- Derive.Scale.Harmonic
- Derive.Scale.Hex
- Derive.Scale.Interpolate
- Derive.Scale.Java
- Derive.Scale.JavaScales
- Derive.Scale.Just
- Derive.Scale.JustScales
- Derive.Scale.Legong
- Derive.Scale.McPhee
- Derive.Scale.Octa
- Derive.Scale.Raga
- Derive.Scale.Ratio
- Derive.Scale.Scales
- Derive.Scale.Selisir
- Derive.Scale.Symbols
- Derive.Scale.Theory
- Derive.Scale.TheoryFormat
- Derive.Scale.Twelve
- Derive.Scale.Wayang
- Derive.Scale.WendyCarlos
- Derive.Score
- Derive.ScoreT
- Derive.ShowVal
- Derive.Sig
- Derive.Slice
- Derive.Stack
- Derive.Stream
- Derive.Symbols
- TScore
- Derive.Tempo
- Derive.TrackWarp
- Derive.Typecheck
- Derive.ValType
- Derive.Warp
- Example
- Global
- Instrument
- Local
- LogView
- Midi
- Ness
- Perform
- Shake
- Solkattu
- Solkattu.All
- Solkattu.Bol
- Solkattu.Db
- Dsl
- Solkattu.ExtractKorvais
- Format
- Instrument
- Solkattu.Korvai
- Solkattu.Metadata
- Solkattu.Play
- Solkattu.Practice
- Solkattu.Realize
- Solkattu.S
- Score
- Solkattu.Score.Kendang2020
- Solkattu.Score.Mohra
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2013
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2015
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2016
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2017
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2018
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2019
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2020
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2021
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2022
- Solkattu.Score.Mridangam2023
- Solkattu.Score.MridangamSarva
- Solkattu.Score.MridangamTirmanam
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2013
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2014
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2016
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2017
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2018
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2019
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2020
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2021
- Solkattu.Score.Solkattu2023
- Solkattu.Score.SolkattuMohra
- Solkattu.Score.Tabla2023
- Solkattu.Score.Vathapi
- Solkattu.Solkattu
- Solkattu.Tags
- Solkattu.Tala
- Solkattu.Talas
- Solkattu.Technique
- Synth
- Faust
- Synth.ImGc
- Synth.ImGcMain
- Lib
- Synth.MixDown
- Sampler
- Synth.Sampler.Calibrate
- Synth.Sampler.Patch
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Break
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.CengCeng
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Java
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Kajar
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.KendangBali
- Lib
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.LittleGong
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Metronome
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Mridangam
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Rambat
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Reyong
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Sample
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.ScGamelan
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Wayang
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.WayangCode
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.Zheng
- Synth.Sampler.Patch.ZhengSamples
- Synth.Sampler.PatchDb
- Synth.Sampler.Render
- Synth.Sampler.RenderSample
- Synth.Sampler.Sample
- Synth.Sampler.SamplerIm
- Synth.Sampler.TestNotes
- Shared
- Synth.StreamAudio
- Synth.StreamAudioMain
- Synth.Types
- Types
- Ui
- Ui.Block
- Ui.BlockC
- Ui.BlockCStub
- Ui.Color
- Ui.Diff
- Ui.Dump
- Ui.Event
- Ui.Events
- Ui.Fltk
- Ui.FltkStub
- Ui.GenId
- Ui.Id
- Ui.Key
- Ui.Keycaps
- Ui.KeycapsC
- Ui.KeycapsCStub
- Ui.KeycapsT
- Meter
- Ui.PtrMap
- Ui.Ruler
- Ui.RulerC
- Ui.ScoreTime
- Ui.Sel
- Ui.Skeleton
- Ui.Style
- Ui.StyleC
- Ui.Symbol
- Ui.SymbolC
- Ui.Sync
- Ui.Track
- Ui.TrackC
- Ui.TrackTree
- Ui.Transform
- Ui.Types
- Ui.Ui
- Ui.UiConfig
- Ui.UiLog
- Ui.UiMsg
- Ui.UiMsgC
- Ui.Update
- Ui.Zoom
- User
- Elaforge
- User.Elaforge.Config
- User.Elaforge.Instrument
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Derailer
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Drumaxx
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Fm8
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Gong
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.KendangBali
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.KendangSunda
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Mridangam
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Pakhawaj
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Reyong
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.ScGamelan
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Util
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Kontakt.Wayang
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Massive
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Morpheus
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Morphine
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Ness
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Pianoteq
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Reaktor
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Spicy
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Swam
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Tassman
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Vl1
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Vl1Spec
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Vsl
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.VslInst
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Z1
- User.Elaforge.Instrument.Z1Spec
- User.Elaforge.KeyLayout
- User.Elaforge.Repl
- User.Elaforge.ShakeConfig
- Generic
- Elaforge
- Util
- Util.Affine
- Util.AppendList
- Util.Array
- Audio
- Util.CallStack
- Util.Control
- Util.Cpu
- Util.Debug
- Util.Diffs
- Util.Doc
- Util.EList
- Util.Exceptions
- Util.ExtractHs
- Util.FFI
- Util.Files
- Util.Fltk
- Util.FltkUtil
- Util.Format
- Util.Git
- Util.GitT
- Util.Graphs
- Util.Html
- Util.LazyVector
- Util.Lens
- Util.Limit
- Util.Linkify
- Util.Lists
- Util.Log
- Util.Logger
- Util.Maps
- Util.Memory
- Util.MultiSet
- Util.NEs
- Util.Network
- Util.Num
- Util.P
- Util.PPrint
- Util.Parse
- Util.ParseText
- Util.Pretty
- Util.Processes
- Util.Random
- Util.Ranges
- Util.Rect
- Util.Regex
- Util.Seed
- Util.Segment
- Util.Serialize
- Util.Set
- Util.SourceControl
- Util.Strings
- Util.Styled
- Util.Test
- Util.Texts
- Util.Then
- Util.Thread
- Util.TimeVector
- Util.TimeVectorStorable
- Util.Trace
- Util.Trees
- Util.UF
- Util.Vector
- Util.VectorC