Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Standalone driver for tscore.
- main :: IO.IO ()
- data Flag
- options :: [GetOpt.OptDescr Flag]
- die :: Text -> IO.IO a
- get_device :: String -> IO.IO StreamAudio.Device
- initialize_midi :: (Interface.Interface -> IO.IO a) -> IO.IO a
- check_score :: IO.FilePath -> IO.IO ()
- score_stats :: T.Score -> Text
- list_devices :: IO.IO ()
- dump_score :: IO.FilePath -> IO.IO ()
- dump_im :: Ui.State -> Cmd.State -> BlockId -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> IO.IO (Vector.Vector Score.Event)
- play_score :: Maybe String -> IO.FilePath -> IO.IO ()
- initialize_instruments :: Ui.State -> Cmd.State -> IO.IO ()
- sc_initialize :: Cmd.CmdT IO.IO ()
- sc_initialize_patches :: [Sc.Patch.Patch] -> IO.IO ()
- play_midi :: Transport.PlayControl -> Transport.ActivePlayers -> Interface.Interface -> Cmd.State -> Ui.State -> [LEvent.LEvent Midi.WriteMessage] -> IO.IO ()
- print_midi_devices :: [(Midi.WriteDevice, [Midi.WriteDevice])] -> Map Midi.WriteDevice Midi.WriteDevice -> IO.IO ()
- derive :: Ui.State -> Cmd.State -> BlockId -> (Vector.Vector Score.Event, [Log.Msg])
- perform_im :: IO.FilePath -> Cmd.State -> Ui.State -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> BlockId -> IO.IO ([Performance.Process], Vector.Vector Score.Event)
- play_im :: Maybe StreamAudio.Device -> IO.FilePath -> Transport.ActivePlayers -> Transport.PlayControl -> BlockId -> RealTime -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> Set ScoreT.Instrument -> [Performance.Process] -> IO.IO ()
- get_im_instruments :: Ui.State -> Set ScoreT.Instrument
- type Error = Text
- load_cmd_config :: Interface.Interface -> IO.IO Cmd.Config
- load_score :: Cmd.Config -> Text -> IO.IO (Either Error (Ui.State, Cmd.State))
options :: [GetOpt.OptDescr Flag] Source #
initialize_midi :: (Interface.Interface -> IO.IO a) -> IO.IO a Source #
check_score :: IO.FilePath -> IO.IO () Source #
score_stats :: T.Score -> Text Source #
list_devices :: IO.IO () Source #
dump_score :: IO.FilePath -> IO.IO () Source #
dump_im :: Ui.State -> Cmd.State -> BlockId -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> IO.IO (Vector.Vector Score.Event) Source #
play_score :: Maybe String -> IO.FilePath -> IO.IO () Source #
sc_initialize :: Cmd.CmdT IO.IO () Source #
Ask scsynth to load the patches. TODO: if this gets slow, is there some way to detect if the server is up to date and skip this?
sc_initialize_patches :: [Sc.Patch.Patch] -> IO.IO () Source #
play_midi :: Transport.PlayControl -> Transport.ActivePlayers -> Interface.Interface -> Cmd.State -> Ui.State -> [LEvent.LEvent Midi.WriteMessage] -> IO.IO () Source #
print_midi_devices :: [(Midi.WriteDevice, [Midi.WriteDevice])] -> Map Midi.WriteDevice Midi.WriteDevice -> IO.IO () Source #
derive :: Ui.State -> Cmd.State -> BlockId -> (Vector.Vector Score.Event, [Log.Msg]) Source #
perform_im :: IO.FilePath -> Cmd.State -> Ui.State -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> BlockId -> IO.IO ([Performance.Process], Vector.Vector Score.Event) Source #
play_im :: Maybe StreamAudio.Device -> IO.FilePath -> Transport.ActivePlayers -> Transport.PlayControl -> BlockId -> RealTime -> Vector.Vector Score.Event -> Set ScoreT.Instrument -> [Performance.Process] -> IO.IO () Source #
load_score :: Cmd.Config -> Text -> IO.IO (Either Error (Ui.State, Cmd.State)) Source #