Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Scale is actually defined in Derive.Deriver.Monad to avoid circular imports. But you should refer to it from here.
The difference between this and Derive.Scale.Scales is that this is intended for using scales, while Scales is intended for implementing them.
- data Transposition
- newtype LookupScale = LookupScale (DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.ScaleId -> Maybe (Either DeriveT.PitchError Scale))
- data Scale = Scale {
- scale_id :: !Pitch.ScaleId
- scale_pattern :: !Text
- scale_symbols :: ![Symbol]
- scale_transposers :: !(Set Control)
- scale_read :: DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Note -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Pitch
- scale_show :: DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Pitch -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Note
- scale_bottom :: !Pitch.Pitch
- scale_layout :: !Derive.Layout
- scale_transpose :: !Derive.Transpose
- scale_enharmonics :: !Derive.Enharmonics
- scale_note_to_call :: !(Pitch.Note -> Maybe Derive.ValCall)
- scale_input_to_note :: !(DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Input -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Note)
- scale_input_to_nn :: !(ScoreTime -> Pitch.Input -> Derive.Deriver (Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.NoteNumber))
- scale_call_doc :: !Derive.DocumentedCall
- data Range = Range {}
- type PitchNote = DeriveT.PitchConfig -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Note
- type PitchNn = DeriveT.PitchConfig -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.NoteNumber
- data Definition
- = Make !Pitch.ScaleId !(Text, Derive.DocumentedCall) !(DeriveT.Environ -> LookupScale -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Scale)
- | Simple !Scale
- get :: Derive.CallName -> [DeriveT.Val] -> Derive.Deriver Scale
- lookup_scale :: Derive.CallName -> [DeriveT.Val] -> Derive.Deriver (Maybe Scale)
- call :: Sig.Parser a -> (a -> Derive.Deriver Scale) -> Derive.WithArgDoc Derive.ScaleF
- scale_id_of :: Definition -> Pitch.ScaleId
- layout :: [Pitch.Semi] -> Derive.Layout
- no_octaves :: Derive.Layout
- diatonic_layout :: Pitch.PitchClass -> Derive.Layout
- semis_per_octave :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.Semi
- semis_at_pc :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.PitchClass -> Pitch.Semi
- pc_per_octave :: Derive.Layout -> Maybe Pitch.PitchClass
- diatonic_difference :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.PitchClass
- chromatic_difference :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.Semi
- transpose :: Transposition -> Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Octave -> Pitch.Step -> Pitch.Note -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Note
- transpose_pitch :: Transposition -> Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Octave -> Pitch.Step -> Pitch.Pitch -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Pitch
- in_range :: Range -> Pitch.Pitch -> Bool
- pitches :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> [Pitch.Pitch]
- notes :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> [Pitch.Note]
- note_numbers :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Derive.Deriver [Pitch.NoteNumber]
- patch_scale :: Pitch.ScaleId -> [Pitch.NoteNumber] -> Patch.Scale
- assign_keys :: Int -> [Pitch.NoteNumber] -> [(Int, Pitch.NoteNumber)]
data Transposition Source #
Show Transposition Source # | |
Defined in Derive.Deriver.Monad Methods showsPrec :: Int -> Transposition -> ShowS # show :: Transposition -> String # showList :: [Transposition] -> ShowS # |
newtype LookupScale Source #
A scale can configure itself by looking in the environment and by looking up other scales.
LookupScale (DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.ScaleId -> Maybe (Either DeriveT.PitchError Scale)) |
Show LookupScale Source # | |
Defined in Derive.Deriver.Monad Methods showsPrec :: Int -> LookupScale -> ShowS # show :: LookupScale -> String # showList :: [LookupScale] -> ShowS # |
Scale | |
This is an inclusive pitch range, intended for instrument ranges.
Range | |
type PitchNn = DeriveT.PitchConfig -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.NoteNumber Source #
I would much rather pass a more specific value than Environ. Unfortunately, ChromaticScales.SemisToNoteNumber needs a per-scale value (e.g. Environ.key or Environ.tuning). So pitch_nn needs to be parameterized with a "get_key" function, but it also needs Environ.key. I think it's doable by parameterizing pitch_nn and hence note_to_call and moving smap_semis_to_nn into note_to_call, but it seems complicated.
data Definition Source #
Make !Pitch.ScaleId !(Text, Derive.DocumentedCall) !(DeriveT.Environ -> LookupScale -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Scale) | Fancy scales can configure themselves. Since you can't just look at the Scale directly, it has the ScaleId (pattern, doc) extracted. |
Simple !Scale |
get :: Derive.CallName -> [DeriveT.Val] -> Derive.Deriver Scale Source #
Lookup a scale or throw.
lookup_scale :: Derive.CallName -> [DeriveT.Val] -> Derive.Deriver (Maybe Scale) Source #
call :: Sig.Parser a -> (a -> Derive.Deriver Scale) -> Derive.WithArgDoc Derive.ScaleF Source #
Scale calls always use Sig.Unprefixed. This makes them inconsistent with other kinds of calls, but I think is the better default, since I try to make them respond to some standard env vals, such as key or scale-inst. Especially scale-inst relies on it.
layout :: [Pitch.Semi] -> Derive.Layout Source #
semis_per_octave :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.Semi Source #
Number of chromatic steps in an octave. Nothing if this scale doesn't have octaves.
pc_per_octave :: Derive.Layout -> Maybe Pitch.PitchClass Source #
Number of diatonic steps in an octave. Nothing if this scale doesn't have
octaves. This is the same as semis_per_octave
for scales without
a diatonic/chromatic distinction.
chromatic_difference :: Derive.Layout -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.Pitch -> Pitch.Semi Source #
transpose :: Transposition -> Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Octave -> Pitch.Step -> Pitch.Note -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Note Source #
transpose_pitch :: Transposition -> Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Pitch.Octave -> Pitch.Step -> Pitch.Pitch -> Either DeriveT.PitchError Pitch.Pitch Source #
pitches :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> [Pitch.Pitch] Source #
Return the pitches in the scale. If the scale has an unbounded range,
this may go on forever, so zip with note_numbers
if you want the usable
range. Also, not all scales actually have defined degrees.
notes :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> [Pitch.Note] Source #
Return the notes in the scale. As with pitches
, it may be unbounded.
note_numbers :: Scale -> DeriveT.Environ -> Derive.Deriver [Pitch.NoteNumber] Source #
Return pitches of the scale's degrees.
patch_scale :: Pitch.ScaleId -> [Pitch.NoteNumber] -> Patch.Scale Source #
Make a patch scale from the NoteNumbers.
assign_keys :: Int -> [Pitch.NoteNumber] -> [(Int, Pitch.NoteNumber)] Source #
Try to assign MIDI keys that correspond to the NoteNumbers, but they won't line up if there are too many NoteNumbers.