Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Repl cmds providing general UI state operations.
- find :: Text -> Cmd.CmdL Text
- summary :: Cmd.CmdL Text
- stats :: Cmd.CmdL Text
- get_config :: Cmd.CmdL UiConfig.Config
- get_default :: Cmd.CmdL UiConfig.Default
- get_default_tempo :: Cmd.CmdL Signal.Y
- set_default_tempo :: Signal.Y -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- ky :: Ui.M m => m ReplProtocol.Result
- get_ky :: Ui.M m => m Text
- set_ky :: Text -> Cmd.CmdT IO Text
- get_meta :: Cmd.CmdL UiConfig.Meta
- set_creation_time :: Cmd.CmdL ()
- get_notes :: Cmd.M m => m Text
- set_notes :: Cmd.M m => Text -> m ()
- save_perf :: Cmd.CmdT IO Text
- save_midi :: Cmd.CmdT IO ()
- save_im :: Cmd.CmdT IO ()
- save_lilypond :: Cmd.CmdT IO ()
- get_midi_performance :: Id.BlockId -> Cmd.CmdL UiConfig.MidiPerformance
- verify_performance :: Cmd.CmdL Text
- save_performance :: Lens.Lens UiConfig.Meta (Map Id.BlockId (UiConfig.Performance a)) -> (Id.BlockId -> Cmd.CmdT IO a) -> Cmd.CmdT IO ()
- perform_midi :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m [Midi.WriteMessage]
- perform_im :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m (Vector.Vector Shared.Note.Note)
- perform_lilypond :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m Text
- set_namespace :: Id.Namespace -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- rename :: Id.Namespace -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- fix :: Cmd.M m => m [Text]
- load_midi :: FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL Id.BlockId
- load_merge :: Bool -> FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- load_as :: Text -> Bool -> FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- load_as_ :: Maybe.Maybe Id.Namespace -> Bool -> FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL ()
- unload :: Ui.M m => Text -> m ()
set_default_tempo :: Signal.Y -> Cmd.CmdL () Source #
ky :: Ui.M m => m ReplProtocol.Result Source #
set_creation_time :: Cmd.CmdL () Source #
save_lilypond :: Cmd.CmdT IO () Source #
verify_performance :: Cmd.CmdL Text Source #
Compare the current root block performance against the saved one.
save_performance :: Lens.Lens UiConfig.Meta (Map Id.BlockId (UiConfig.Performance a)) -> (Id.BlockId -> Cmd.CmdT IO a) -> Cmd.CmdT IO () Source #
perform_midi :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m [Midi.WriteMessage] Source #
perform_im :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m (Vector.Vector Shared.Note.Note) Source #
perform_lilypond :: Cmd.M m => Id.BlockId -> m Text Source #
set_namespace :: Id.Namespace -> Cmd.CmdL () Source #
rename :: Id.Namespace -> Cmd.CmdL () Source #
Set the score namespace to the given one. Also update the project_dir and move the actual directory.
load_merge :: Bool -> FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL () Source #
Load the state from the file and merge it with the current state. This will fail if any IDs collide, so hopefully they live in different namespaces. In fact, this is why IDs have namespaces.
Load another score and put it in a new namespace. Will probably fail if the score itself uses multiple namespaces.
load_as_ :: Maybe.Maybe Id.Namespace -> Bool -> FilePath -> Cmd.CmdL () Source #