Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Some functions missing from Data.Graph.
- build :: [Edge] -> Graph
- roots_of :: Graph -> [Vertex]
- to_forest :: Graph -> Tree.Forest Vertex
- draw :: Graph -> String
- toggle_edge :: Edge -> Graph -> Maybe Graph
- splice_above :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
- splice_below :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Graph
- parents :: Graph -> Vertex -> [Vertex]
- children :: Graph -> Vertex -> [Vertex]
- would_make_cycle :: Edge -> Graph -> Bool
- has_cycle :: Graph -> Bool
- has_edge :: Graph -> Edge -> Bool
- lonely_vertex :: Graph -> Vertex -> Bool
- add_edges :: [Edge] -> Graph -> Graph
- remove_edges :: [Edge] -> Graph -> Graph
- insert_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph
- remove_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph
- unlink_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph
- map_vertices :: (Vertex -> Vertex) -> Graph -> Graph
- strip_indices :: a -> [(Int, a)] -> [a]
- move :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Maybe Graph
to_forest :: Graph -> Tree.Forest Vertex Source #
This is like dfs
, except it allows duplicated vertices. So don't
use it one a graph with cycles.
toggle_edge :: Edge -> Graph -> Maybe Graph Source #
Remove the edge if it already exists, create a new one of it doesn't. Return Nothing if adding an edge would create a cycle.
splice_above :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Graph Source #
Splice new
into the graph above to
. The parents of to
are detached
from it and re-attached to new
. Then new
is attached above to
This operation should be idempotent.
splice_below :: Vertex -> Vertex -> Graph -> Graph Source #
Splice new
into the graph below to
. The children of to
detached and re-attached to new
. Then to
is attached above new
This operation should be idempotent.
insert_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph Source #
Increment all vertices at and above, insert new empty vertex.
remove_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph Source #
Remove a vertex. All vertices pointing to the removed vertex instead point to what pointed to it.
unlink_vertex :: Int -> Graph -> Graph Source #
All vertices pointing to the removed vertex instead point to what pointed to it. It will be removed from the list of roots.
map_vertices :: (Vertex -> Vertex) -> Graph -> Graph Source #
Transform all the vertices by the given function. If multiple vertices are transformed to the same value, the one with the originally highest vertex wins.
strip_indices :: a -> [(Int, a)] -> [a] Source #