Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Global imports for solkattu score modules.
- type StrokeMap stroke = [(Sequence, S.Sequence Solkattu.Group (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke stroke)))]
- type Section = Korvai.Section Sequence
- type SequenceM = SequenceR Mridangam.Stroke
- type SequenceR stroke = SequenceT (Realize.Stroke stroke)
- type Sequence = SequenceT Solkattu.Sollu
- strS :: CallStack.Stack => Text -> Sequence
- _sollu :: Solkattu.Sollu -> Sequence
- cham :: Sequence
- dheem :: Sequence
- dhom :: Sequence
- di :: Sequence
- din :: Sequence
- dim :: Sequence
- dit :: Sequence
- du :: Sequence
- ga :: Sequence
- gin :: Sequence
- gu :: Sequence
- jo :: Sequence
- ka :: Sequence
- ki :: Sequence
- ku :: Sequence
- kum :: Sequence
- mi :: Sequence
- na :: Sequence
- nam :: Sequence
- nang :: Sequence
- nu :: Sequence
- ri :: Sequence
- ta :: Sequence
- tam :: Sequence
- tat :: Sequence
- tha :: Sequence
- thom :: Sequence
- ti :: Sequence
- tang :: Sequence
- tong :: Sequence
- lang :: Sequence
- tdgnt :: Sequence
- td_gnt :: Sequence
- t_d_gnt :: Sequence
- takadinna :: Sequence
- takita :: Sequence
- kita :: Sequence
- taka :: Sequence
- naka :: Sequence
- tiku :: Sequence
- diku :: Sequence
- tari :: Sequence
- gugu :: Sequence
- dugu :: Sequence
- jonu :: Sequence
- kitataka :: Sequence
- tarikita :: Sequence
- tadikita :: Sequence
- talang :: Sequence
- talanga :: Sequence
- dinga :: Sequence
- dingu :: Sequence
- tanga :: Sequence
- langa :: Sequence
- kt :: Sequence
- tk :: Sequence
- tkt :: Sequence
- tkdn :: Sequence
- trkt :: Sequence
- kttk :: Sequence
- kp :: Sequence
- kpnp :: Sequence
- oknp :: Sequence
- ktktoknp :: Sequence
- nakatiku :: Sequence
- takadugutarikita :: Sequence
- k :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- t :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- l :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- n :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- d :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- u :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- v :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- i :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- y :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- j :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- p :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- p' :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- o :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- o' :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- _' :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- od :: S.Sequence g (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke Mridangam.Stroke))
- (&) :: CallStack.Stack => SequenceM -> SequenceM -> SequenceM
- on :: SequenceM
- strM :: CallStack.Stack => String.String -> SequenceM
- makeMridangam :: StrokeMap Mridangam.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- makeMridangam0 :: StrokeMap Mridangam.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- lintM :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- makeKendang1 :: StrokeMap KendangTunggal.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- lintK1 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- makeKendang2 :: StrokeMap KendangPasang.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- lintK2 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- makeReyong :: StrokeMap Reyong.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- lintR :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- makeSargam :: [(S.Matra, SequenceR Sargam.Stroke)] -> StrokeMap Sargam.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps
- lintS :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- _defaultStrokes :: Korvai.Instrument stroke -> [Sequence]
- lintAll :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- allLints :: Korvai.Korvai -> Text
- _mridangamStrokes :: [(Sequence, SequenceM)]
- _kendangStrokes1 :: [(Sequence, SequenceR KendangTunggal.Stroke)]
- _kendangStrokes2 :: [(Sequence, SequenceR KendangPasang.Stroke)]
- _reyongStrokes :: [(Sequence, SequenceR Reyong.Stroke)]
- _printLint :: Pretty stroke => Korvai.Instrument stroke -> [(Sequence, x)] -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- _instrumentDefaultStrokes :: Map Text [Sequence]
- realize :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizep :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeM :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizek :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizekp :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizek2 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizek2p :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeWadon :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeLanang :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeR :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeSargam :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeKon :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeKon_ :: Int -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- realizeScoreM :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Score -> IO ()
- realizeScore :: Korvai.Score -> IO ()
- _printInstrument :: (Solkattu.Notation stroke1, Solkattu.Notation stroke2, Ord stroke1) => (Realize.Stroke stroke1 -> Maybe (Realize.Stroke stroke2)) -> Korvai.Instrument stroke1 -> (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO ()
- korvai :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> [Section] -> Korvai.Korvai
- korvai1 :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> Section -> Korvai.Korvai
- korvaiS :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> [Sequence] -> Korvai.Korvai
- korvaiS1 :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> Sequence -> Korvai.Korvai
- module Solkattu.Dsl.Generic
- diff :: IO ()
- diffw :: IO ()
type StrokeMap stroke = [(Sequence, S.Sequence Solkattu.Group (Solkattu.Note (Realize.Stroke stroke)))] Source #
type Section = Korvai.Section Sequence Source #
type SequenceM = SequenceR Mridangam.Stroke Source #
type SequenceR stroke = SequenceT (Realize.Stroke stroke) Source #
type Sequence = SequenceT Solkattu.Sollu Source #
strS :: CallStack.Stack => Text -> Sequence Source #
Parse a string to sollus. Look for syllables inside words.
_sollu :: Solkattu.Sollu -> Sequence Source #
(&) :: CallStack.Stack => SequenceM -> SequenceM -> SequenceM Source #
Merge a sequence of left hand strokes with one of right hand strokes. Both sequences must have the same length and structure.
strM :: CallStack.Stack => String.String -> SequenceM Source #
Parse a string to mridangam strokes.
makeMridangam0 :: StrokeMap Mridangam.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps Source #
Make a mridangam StrokeMap, but without the default _mridangamStrokes
lintM :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
Show shadowed strokes in the stroke map.
lintK1 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
lintK2 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
lintR :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
makeSargam :: [(S.Matra, SequenceR Sargam.Stroke)] -> StrokeMap Sargam.Stroke -> Korvai.StrokeMaps Source #
lintS :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
_defaultStrokes :: Korvai.Instrument stroke -> [Sequence] Source #
lintAll :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
allLints :: Korvai.Korvai -> Text Source #
_mridangamStrokes :: [(Sequence, SequenceM)] Source #
gives this to all mridangam stroke maps.
_reyongStrokes :: [(Sequence, SequenceR Reyong.Stroke)] Source #
_printLint :: Pretty stroke => Korvai.Instrument stroke -> [(Sequence, x)] -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realize :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizep :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeM :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizek :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizekp :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizek2 :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizek2p :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeWadon :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeLanang :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeR :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeSargam :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeKon :: Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeKon_ :: Int -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
realizeScoreM :: (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Score -> IO () Source #
specialized to mridangam, and disbale the usual lint
and diff.
realizeScore :: Korvai.Score -> IO () Source #
Like realize
but for Scores.
_printInstrument :: (Solkattu.Notation stroke1, Solkattu.Notation stroke2, Ord stroke1) => (Realize.Stroke stroke1 -> Maybe (Realize.Stroke stroke2)) -> Korvai.Instrument stroke1 -> (Terminal.Config -> Terminal.Config) -> Korvai.Korvai -> IO () Source #
korvai :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> [Section] -> Korvai.Korvai Source #
korvai1 :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> Section -> Korvai.Korvai Source #
korvaiS :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> [Sequence] -> Korvai.Korvai Source #
korvaiS1 :: Tala.Tala -> Korvai.StrokeMaps -> Sequence -> Korvai.Korvai Source #
module Solkattu.Dsl.Generic
Orphan instances
String.IsString Sequence Source # | |
Methods fromString :: String.String -> Sequence # | |
String.IsString SequenceM Source # | |
Methods fromString :: String.String -> SequenceM # |