Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Resample audio signals via libsamplerate.
- resample :: forall rate chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat chan, TypeLits.KnownNat rate) => Quality -> Double -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan
- resampleRate :: forall rateIn rateOut chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat rateIn, TypeLits.KnownNat rateOut, TypeLits.KnownNat chan) => Quality -> Audio.AudioIO rateIn chan -> Audio.AudioIO rateOut chan
- data Config = Config {
- _quality :: Quality
- _state :: Maybe.Maybe SavedState
- _notifyState :: Maybe.Maybe (Frames, SavedState) -> IO ()
- _blockSize :: Frames
- _now :: Frames
- _name :: String
- defaultConfig :: Quality -> Config
- resampleBy :: forall rate chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat rate, TypeLits.KnownNat chan) => Config -> Signal.Control -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan
- data Quality
- data SavedState
resample :: forall rate chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat chan, TypeLits.KnownNat rate) => Quality -> Double -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan Source #
Resample the audio by a constant ratio. This doesn't actually change the sampling rate, since I just use this to change the pitch.
resampleRate :: forall rateIn rateOut chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat rateIn, TypeLits.KnownNat rateOut, TypeLits.KnownNat chan) => Quality -> Audio.AudioIO rateIn chan -> Audio.AudioIO rateOut chan Source #
Configure the resampler.
Config | |
defaultConfig :: Quality -> Config Source #
resampleBy :: forall rate chan. (TypeLits.KnownNat rate, TypeLits.KnownNat chan) => Config -> Signal.Control -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan -> Audio.AudioIO rate chan Source #
Resample the audio by the given curve. This doesn't actually change the sampling rate, since I just use this to change the pitch.
Bounded Quality Source # | |
Enum Quality Source # | |
Show Quality Source # | |
Eq Quality Source # | |
data SavedState Source #
Show SavedState Source # | |
Defined in Util.Audio.SampleRateC showsPrec :: Int -> SavedState -> ShowS # show :: SavedState -> String # showList :: [SavedState] -> ShowS # | |
Eq SavedState Source # | |
Defined in Util.Audio.SampleRateC (==) :: SavedState -> SavedState -> Bool # (/=) :: SavedState -> SavedState -> Bool # | |
Pretty SavedState Source # | |
Defined in Util.Audio.Resample pretty :: SavedState -> Text Source # format :: SavedState -> Doc Source # formatList :: [SavedState] -> Doc Source # | |
Serialize.Serialize SavedState Source # | |
Defined in Util.Audio.Resample |
Orphan instances
Pretty SavedState Source # | |
pretty :: SavedState -> Text Source # format :: SavedState -> Doc Source # formatList :: [SavedState] -> Doc Source # | |
Serialize.Serialize SavedState Source # | |