Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Data for creating drum instruments. It has few dependencies so it can be imported by both Local.Instrument definitions and Derive.Call instrument calls.
- data Stroke = Stroke {
- _name :: !Expr.Symbol
- _attributes :: !Attrs.Attributes
- _char :: !Char
- _dynamic :: !Signal.Y
- _group :: !Group
- type Group = Text
- type Stops = [(Group, [Group])]
- stroke :: Char -> Expr.Symbol -> Attrs.Attributes -> Stroke
- stroke_dyn :: Char -> Expr.Symbol -> Attrs.Attributes -> Signal.Y -> Stroke
- c_bd2 :: Stroke
- c_bd :: Stroke
- c_sn2 :: Stroke
- c_sn :: Stroke
- c_rim :: Stroke
- c_ltom :: Stroke
- c_mtom :: Stroke
- c_hmtom :: Stroke
- c_htom :: Stroke
- c_hh :: Stroke
- c_ohh :: Stroke
- c_phh :: Stroke
- c_ride :: Stroke
- c_bell :: Stroke
- c_crash :: Stroke
Description of a generic drum set. There are many drum set instruments, each of which probably use different MIDI keys, but at least I can standardize call names, attributes, and keymap key. Of course there will be drum sets that don't fit in (e.g. have two or three snares), but at least this provides a standard base.
Stroke | |
stroke :: Char -> Expr.Symbol -> Attrs.Attributes -> Stroke Source #
stroke_dyn :: Char -> Expr.Symbol -> Attrs.Attributes -> Signal.Y -> Stroke Source #