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Local Configuration

Local configuration is what would be a config file in other sequencers. But since Karya’s configuration is also in haskell, and the configuration is much more extensive than other sequencers, it’s not that different from editing the code for the application itself.

The code is all in the Local directory. Technically it should probably not be in the source repo, or at least not the same source repo, since it’s specific to one person’s config. But at the moment I’m the only user, and it’s good to have an example around.

There are three entry points.


This exports load_static_config, which gets a App.StaticConfig.StaticConfig. This is meant to be local global configuration, and you can set up the MIDI ReadDevices and WriteDevices, load the instrument db, add local keybindings, and the like.

App.StaticConfig.Midi is especially important, because it configures names for MIDI devices, and especially which devices should be opened for read on startup.


The modules in here are put into scope for the REPL, so you can add local REPL utilities. That said, I just edit Cmd.Repl.LWhatever.


Documented in


Ideally I’d like to make it as easy as possible to insert new code into a score. Historically I meant for the score language to be very simple and limited, and entirely rely on writing haskell functions. However, it gradually got more complicated and more powerful, and I still don’t have an easy way to insert new calls at runtime. So far, it hasn’t been a problem, because all the calls I’ve been adding have been general purpose enough to warrant going into the default Derive.Call.Module.prelude module, though, I might want to implement a dynamic loading scheme where per-score config is loaded from Local.Score.ScoreName. In practice, ky files provide a fairly powerful way to write per-score configuration.