Ania's Rate of Recovery
My recovery schedule:
Day 0: (Tue) | I can walk. I spent the entire day with my leg
iced and elevated.
| Day 1: (Wed) | During 9am post-op visit, I have about 70% of
my normal range of motion. Doc says that's more than typical for
one day after surgery. He gives me exercises to do every hour.
After 2 sets, I can fully straighten my leg and touch my heel to my
| Day 2: (Thu) | I can walk up stairs. I can't walk down stairs
without supporting myself on the handrail.
| Day 4: (Sat) | I went
cross-country skiing
for 2.5 hours.
I can't drive yet. The clutch is too hard to push down and keeping
my knee bent is uncomfortable. I can walk down stairs.
| Day 5: (Sun) | I can drive.
| Day 6: (Mon) | I rode my bike 1 mile from home to the UW.
It ached a little after the ride but quieted down with icing and
elevation. Thank goodness I the UW is relaxed enough that I can
work with my leg plopped on my desk without getting funny stares
from co-workers.
| Week 6: (Tue) | I can ski (downhill and cross-country), bike
(I rode almost 50 miles last Saturday), and walk casually. My knee
starts to hurt within a few steps of attempting to run so at best
I can gingerly jog a third of a block to catch a changing light.
I can walk rapidly if I'm careful about good alignment, but the
knee starts to ache if I'm sloppy. Good alignment is what a yoga
teacher would explain about standing in Thadasana -- arches lifted,
quadriceps contracted to raise the knee caps -- plus being careful
to move my legs in one plane and avoid sideways torque.
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