Decapped BMS Chips

Why? Because it's interesting to see what's inside. Here are some chips that I bought on the Internet and had decapped and then photographed under a microscope. Die area estimates are from comparing the die to a ruler photographed with the chip.

Click on any photo for a larger version.


Die area: The area is about 20.9 mm2, based on the following measurements:

  • Top edge of the die about 16.1 hundredths of an inch (4084um).
  • Side edge of the die about 20.2 hundredths of an inch (5119um).


Die area: The area of the larger die is about 9.2 mm2, based on the following measurements:

  • Top edge of the die about 11.0 hundredths of an inch (2798um).
  • Side edge of the die about 12.9 hundredths of an inch (5119um).
The area of the smaller die is about 2.3 mm2, based on the following measurements:
  • Top edge of the die about 3.8 hundredths of an inch (957um).
  • Side edge of the die about 9.6 hundredths of an inch (2438um).

Isn't that second smaller die pretty?


This one I bought from some sketchy Chinese website. Die area 16.9mm2.


I can't find my photos. But the diea area is about 19.5 mm2.


Coming in June 2019...

Last updated 12 February 2019
© Anna Mitros
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