Learning Links / Chefables Nutrition
The day care is owned by the City of Mountain View, who contracted first with CCLC and since Feb 2014 with Community Gatepath to operate the day care. (Learning Links is the name of the day care, while Community Gatepath is the mother organization.) CCLC's regional director clearly told me that Chefables, the snack vendor, is very convenient and she wasn't interested in changing a convenient relationship for the sake of improving nutrition. The Community Gatepath/Learning Links staff has been more open, explicitly acknowledging an interest in improving the nutritional content of the children's two daily snacks but without a significant impact over their first 10 months of operation in Mountain View. Three times now I've been told that Learning Links is asking Chefables for a change to the menu; we'll see what the New Year brings, but the first two menu changes suggested a lack of initiative more than a concerted effort. My kids eat breakfast and dinner at home; a home-made lunch at school; and two Chefables snacks daily. For some children at the center, the morning snack is breakfast. So the day care provides 2 of my kids' 5 meals, and 2 of 4 of some kids' meals. It bothers me that the lesson all these kids are learning is that a cookie, pastry or bread constitutes half the menu in half of their meals.
Given that our day care is in Silicon Valley, one of the wealthiest and best educated parts of the country, I wonder what goes on in less fortunate parts of the country or at less expensive day cares. I wonder how this bodes for our children's and our society's future. It's a little scary, truth be told.
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Last updated 21 December 2014 © Anna Mitros