Aaron Denney's find-me page

See David Dyer-Bennet's find-me page for an explanation.

Elliot-Pope School/ISOMATA

Cate School, Carpinteria CA

Attended from Fall 1991 to Spring 1995

Caltech, Pasadena CA

Attended from Fall 1995 to Spring 2000, except when I didn't.

Tanner Research, Pasadena CA

Worked on L-edit in 1998

Fulcrum Microsystems, Pasadena CA and Calabasas CA

Worked from 2000 to 2003

Physics Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM

2003 through 2012

ASFS, Albuquerque NM

On and off, mostly off.

Applied minds

September 2012-present