Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 Subject: RAIN: Thurs or Fri for beer with Rice alumni? Dear Rice Alumni In the Northwest, The 20-some people who came to drink beers last Friday seemed to have a wonderful time. Thank you all for coming! We took a straw poll to see whether Thursday or Friday was a better night for the monthly outing. The results were: Thu -- a few hands Fri -- a few hands don't care -- 3/4 of the attendees After a brief cheer for Rice apathy, a consensus agreed that an email vote was in order. If you care, email me by Friday the 13th and let me know whether: + You prefer Thursday + You prefer Friday + You don't care (no email is equivalent) Shortly thereafter, I will email out the results of the poll and an which day August's happy hour shall be. Ania ---------- For more info: If you do not wish to receive Rice Alumni In the Northwest (RAIN) emails or know a someone who would like to be added to my email list, please email me.